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Set in the Corroboree exhibit at Dreamworld and based on a detailed brief developed by students of The Management and Husbandry of Zoo Animals at UQ, this project aims to provide an engaging echidna exhibit.  Inspired by the unusual movement of the echidna the timber frame, that seeks to replicate the way an echidna's spines move at different angles, houses the exhibit.

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The slatted housing of the exhibit offers protection to the animals and tourists as well as creating an interesting atmosphere within the exhibit, as it throws a variegated shadow across floor and wall surfaces. The structure also seeks to feel a little like a burrow as the shading is denser the further into the exhibit the visitor ventures, the tourist emerging back into the daylight after completing the circulation.

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Several wire and paper models were made throughout the course of the project to help fuel and evaluate ideas of geometry and circulation.

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